NC Youth & Kids

At New Covenant we believe that even the youngest among us are valuable members of the Body of Christ, with talents, gifts, and insights that bless the whole congregation.

We aim to involve our youth and kids in as many aspects of the church as possible. From scripture readings, to kids sermons, to songs, and prayers, we want our children and youth to know that they are treasured by not only the congregation, but Christ Himself.

New Covenant Youth Ministry

For grades 5 through 12, New Covenant Youth Ministry meets at the church on Wednesdays at 6:30pm.

Aimed at relationship building and Christian formation, New Covenant youth learn to walk with Christ and each other, through the ups and downs of the teenage years.

New Covenant Kids

For kindergarten through 4th grade, our kids ministry meets on Wednesdays at 6:30pm as well as Sunday mornings once dismissed from the main service. Each weeks service also features a children’s sermon that is themed around the weekly scripture readings.

New Covenant Nursery

On Sunday mornings we have a fully staffed nursery for children younger than 3, as well as their parents (if desired). Please note that we always have two volunteers in the nursery at a time, and each volunteer (youth, kids, and nursery workers) has undergone an official background check.